Membership and benefits


The BPHA offers the following categories of member­ship:

  • Institutional members are organizations of international, national, regional or local level whose activities are focused on specific aspects of public health developments;
  • Individual members are individuals who support the mission, goals and objectives of the BUPHA;
  • Honorary members are individuals or organizations who make a special contribution to the mission of the BPHA or to the development of its goals and objectives, who may be invited to be an honorary member.


All members:

  • Become part of a national network of people and organizations (with international relationships) with the common goals which facilitate the exchange of information, ideas, skills and experience;
  • Get a chance to influence the evolution of public health in the country;
  • Get opportunities to disseminate achievements and innovations in the area of public health at national, European and World level;
  • Have opportunities to participate in international public health projects;
  • Get free on-line subscription of European Journal of Public Health (official journal of the European Public Health Association);
  • Receive regularly the month newsletters of EUPHA;
  • Receive reduced registration fees to BPHA and EUPHA confe­rences;
  • Receive scientific governance and consultations in writing public health reports and theses from senior scientists;
  • Have opportunities to be informed about the main activities of the World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA) by the President of BPHA;
  • Have opportunities to participated in seminars, webinars and World Public Health Congresses organised by WFPHA.


All individuals engaged in different public health activities and sharing the mission, objectives and priorities of BPHA can apply for membership by expressing their wish through filling in a special application form, accessible on BPHA website. The Executive Board confirms the application in a short period of time.